Designer handbags are a luxury that many of us dream about. From a classic Hermes Kelly to a Chanel 2.55, the designs that have stood the test of time are in high demand.
Authentication is important to all owners, with individuals wanting to be safe in the knowledge that their pride and joy is the real deal. I was recently introduced to Baghunter, a company that buys, sells, customises and consigns rate luxury bags including the coveted Hermes Birkin and Kelly bags.
Launched by Evelyn Fox, Baghunter was born out of a bad experience with a fake Chanel bag. With no real way to be sure that the bag she purchased was real, Fox was determined to ensure that no other fashion fan experienced the same situation as her.
The items available on Baghunter are sent to them first for authentication. Through this process, the company guarantees that every bag sold is 100% authentic, providing collectors with a destination that they can trust. The site has amassed an impressive collection of over 300 items, worth over $8 million.
It was Baghunter who recently broke the news that investing in a Hermes bag is better than trading in gold. That's good to know!
Whether you're window shopping or looking to make an investment, take a look at Baghunter and their impressive collection!
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