
White House Week


This week, the Obama Administration launched 'Stop the Bleed,' an awareness campaign to provide people with the tools and knowledge to stop life threatening bleeding in the event of an emergency situation. Working with the private sector, nonprofit organizations, and the medical community, the "Stop the Bleed" campaign will put knowledge gained by first responders and our military, into the hands of the public to help save lives.

So, why is bleeding the trauma you need to pay attention to in an emergency? Severe bleeding can lead to death in five minutes or less. A victim can bleed to death much faster than trained public safety personnel can arrive. The person standing or sitting next to that individual may be the ONLY one who can make the difference between life and death.

The First Lady honored the 2015 class of the National Student Poets Program at a ceremony at the White House. You can watch the video of the event below:

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