
New York: My Trip in Photos


Earlier this week I was in NYC for meetings and a bit of fun! I was in DC for a week beforehand- you can check out my trip in photos here!

So, what did I get up to in the Big Apple?

I travelled from DC using the Acela Express. This is hands down the best train I have ever used. Fast journey, excellent service and so close to my hotel. The least stressful thing about my journey ever!

A standard photo of the ice rink at Rockefeller Center- it has to be done!

In the afternoon, I caught up with BBC America journalist Laura Trevelyan. Lots of fun!

A small trip to Brooklyn Heights reaped a big reward in the form of these stunning views of Lower Manhattan and then back towards Brooklyn Bridge and the Empire State Building in the distance.

In the evening I finally meet PR genius Matt Dillon!

After lots of sleep I headed to the Lareymondie showroom to meet creator Maylis and see the gorgeous collection for myself! (More on this special visit in an upcoming post!)

If you are looking for a quirky lunch spot then give the Crosby Street Hotel a try!

In the evening I had great fun catching up with friends Filomena and Cheryl at the amazing seventh floor restaurant at Bergdorf Goodman. Stunning views, delicious food and lots of laughs!

Also have to say big kudos to the lovely ladies at the Bobbi Brown counter at Bergdorfs- my make-up was out of this world and I wish I could do eyeliner as professionally as this!

On Saturday I had fun exploring around Midtown and the UES with lots of shopping thrown in for good measure!

In the evening I met with Annie and Rachel from Small Girls PR at The Standard! Lots of fun and a venue you must visit if you haven't already!

Sunday was a little calmer- I stopped by Ralph's for coffee and did some shopping at Kate Spade and Tory Burch before meeting my friend, Jennefer for brunch.

I love strolling around the UES- spring flowers were in full bloom, and I visited my favorite apartment building, 1040 Fifth Avenue. All in all, a pretty spectacular trip!

For more photos check out my Instagram feed!

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