
In Photos: The US Capitol


My recent trip to Washington DC wasn't filled with lots of touristy activities- but I did make time to have a tour of the US Capitol! I could have given the tour myself since I worked on the Hill, but it's one of those places that I can't resist revisiting every time I'm in town!

The Capitol is undergoing extensive renovation and as a result, the Rotunda is covered in protective interior sheeting (called the doughnut!) and scaffolding outside. Don't let this put you off from visiting- the building is still as spectacular!

Here are some of the locations that we visited on the tour:

The Capitol rotunda is still spectacular even with the inflatable doughnut!

A closer look at the Apotheosis- can you see George Washington?

The fresco detailing is even more amazing in real life. Can you believe that this was all painted by hand?

President Lincoln keeps watch over the crowds.

The ceiling inside Statuary Hall provides lots of great angles for photographs!

The Eagle keeps watch. This room is used for receptions, events and the dinner that takes place directly after the inauguration of a President!

I also spied the office of the Majority Whip. Sadly, we didn't see Frank Underwood!

Finally, the famous star that denotes the center of Washington DC!

Have you visited the US Capitol? What was your favourite part of the tour? Let me know in the comments! 

For more of my Washington DC photos click here.

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