
2015: Target Goals


I don't make resolutions anymore. I kept making the same, utterly obvious choices, ultimately caving in and reverting to my bad behaviour a few weeks later. Oops.

Goals is a much better word, and this year, I've decided to share them with you all.

Get in better shape. This year I'm really going all out- bye bye processed items and sugar!

Expand my business. I'm looking forward to working with a great mix of clients on some exciting projects!

A great sort-out. Closet, cupboards, drawers, bookcase... I'm determined to streamline.

Enjoying those big moments. I've got a really important trip coming up in April and I'm going to productively enjoy every minute!

Say yes (and no.) I'll be saying yes to great new opportunities, and no to any drama!

What are your goals for 2015? Let me know in the comments! 

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