
International Day of Happiness: What makes YOU happy?


Author's Own
Today is the International Day of Happiness and it's got me thinking- what makes me happy?

Life moves so fast that often you miss the moments to step back and appreciate what you have that is good. My day job is in a fast paced industry, and after a day on the computer, I come home to clock more hours in front of my screen. Whilst many people would consider this hell, I enjoy it. Without that, there wouldn't be this very blog!

Blogging makes me happy- it gives me a chance to write about what interests me and what I like, as well as hearing from readers across the globe. Many friendships have been formed from blogging and social media, and I have been fortunate to have access to many opportunities that otherwise would not have come my way.

Writing for The Huffington Post also makes me happy. I get a thrill every time I hit publish and my latest interview or article is on the web, there for all to see. Nothing beats seeing your name in print and the happy feeling never grows old.

My friends and family make and keep me happy. They keep me grounded and in check, share their love and advice and most important, their honesty. Friendships and relationships definitely make the world a richer place.

I've many reasons to be happy, and these outweigh the moments when I feel a little under the weather or when I doubt myself.

Look for the good- and happiness in the everyday moments. It's so important!

What makes you happy? Tell me in the comments! 

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