
Blogging on the Go with the new iPad mini


Regular readers will know how much blogging has changed my life, and for me, a day without blogging is like a day without a cup of tea!

So when I travel I like to stay up to date with what’s happening in the blogging world, keep in touch with my followers on social media and update content.

That’s why the new iPad mini (available here) is essential!

I’m able to jot down post ideas on the go, and use the camera to take photos whilst out. These are all handily saved to the cloud feature that enables me to access my files on my other Apple devices. Many a time I have been sat in the airport lounge or waiting for a train where my iPad has allowed me to catch up on blog requests and comments- a perfect way to maximize my time!

I use the Twitter app for my tweets and Facebook for staying in touch with friends and family. I use the Paper app for sketching out photos or potential post layouts, and Invoice2Go for keeping track of all my receipts. Dropbox is also super handy for backing up important documents that I need when I am out and about.

The iPad mini has come in useful when conducting interviews, and I recently used for my questions and recordings at two important interviews. It was great not having to worry if I could get down all the notes down in time, and saved me having to keep looking at a piece of paper.

You could say that the iPad mini has changed the way I approach blogging and social media- and it is the first thing I pick up in the morning when I go through my inbox before breakfast.

If you’re a blogger or want a device that’s reliable and essential when you’re on the go, the iPad mini is the perfect choice.

This post is in association with Argos.

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