
White House Week


This week, President Obama announced progress regarding the ConnectED initiative. The scheme aims to enrich K-12 education for every student in America -- empowering teachers with technology and training to make the most of it, and empowering students through individualized learning and rich, digital content. At the center of that program: a challenge to connect 99% of students to next-generation connectivity within five years. Because, as the President has said, "In a country where we expect free Wi-Fi with our coffee, why shouldn't we have it in our schools?"

For more information on ConnectED click here.

The White House also released a special video from the First Lady. Titled 'I'm First,' it shared her experience of being the first in her family to attend college and why higher education is so important. 

West Wing Week turned 200 and a special video was released to coincide with last week's State of the Union. You can watch the video below!

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