
Chasing the Hill- An Exclusive Interview with Sharon Lawrence


Chasing the Hill

People both inside and outside DC are talking about Chasing the Hill, the new drama series which follows the reelection campaign of a Democratic representative from California struggling to fight off a primary challenger. Robin Weigert plays Rep. Kristina Ryan, the show's lead role.

Episode 2 goes live today, and we caught up with Sharon Lawrence to chat about her role as the Mayor of Los Angeles in the show.

"I met the creator Brent Roske (of Chasing the Hill) at a short film festival. The environment of festivals like these encourages and promotes independent projects, guerrilla style production and a quick turn around time. We were all celebrating that style of operation when he told be about this new project, and that Richard Schiff, who I know and adore and Robin Weigert whom I also admire were involved.

A few days later I received a formal offer to participate in his next episode of Chasing the Hill to play the Mayor of LA, which was syncronsicity for me as I am supporting Wendy Gruel, whom I believe is the right choice this election and if elected, would be the first female mayor of this city.

His offer included the link to the first episode. I loved what I saw, thought it was well worth $1.99 to download. The schedule of the shoot worked for me, and I was delighted with their no nonsense run and gun operation! I am looking forward to how the creators incorporate their visit to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte with several real politicos. Stay tuned to this timely stuff!"

To download Episode 2 of Chasing the Hill which features Sharon click here. 

You can also follow Sharon on Twitter: @SharonLawrence

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