
Paper vs. Digital


I'm all about everything tech. I love my Mac, am attached to my iPhone and my tablet is always by my bedside. So whilst my devices rule my life, the humble paper and pen still has a place.

The paper vs. digital debate is one that takes place around the world. Every student, journalist, marketer, secretary, lawyer and CEO has their preference, and some just can't choose! My calendar is all digital and is synced between my MacBook and iPhone. I used to also have a paper diary, but there's something frustrating about having to scrub off a canceled appointment in a pretty book when it's written in pen. (Similarly, I have stacks of lovely notebooks that I am too afraid to use due to the potential of having to cross out or erase words! Hands up if you feel this too!)

I use paper for all of my lists- to-do, shopping, work projects, social media scheduling and for planning articles or posts that require research. There's something cathartic about this experience, plus I can choose from a pretty extensive range of Sharpie markers, colored pens, ink or the humble pencil to jot down my thoughts.

When it comes to sending a thank you note, paper always wins. And you all know about my love of a handwritten thank you card! ;)

Which side do you support in the paper vs. digital debate? Let me know in the comments! 

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